Another long paws. Pa-ews. Huge Pause. Imagine billions of fibers suddenly loosening like cheap bubble gum can after prolonged chewing. Some shift in body chemistry or the nature of matter...instant al-chemistrial changes effecting large numbers of cells synchronisiously. Deliciously, like melting chocolate bunnies at Easter time or the sugar covered yellow marshmallow ducks or rabbits too, turning my stomach. And the stomachs of millions on that day. An orgy of glucose. The grand sweet meltdown of billions of connective units. I see the brain, that if it can be said to be, is spread out into the habitual tendencies of the whole social matrix. The wisping smoke ring vortexes in and out of existence like subatomic particles. Voices with watches could make an impression with a co-ordinated hush, a sudden unified silence. But we are reassured by the familiar sounds of our own arguments. What of us if our sounds where silent. Silent night. Holy.