not that i could even remember or figured up the total distance start to finish as a spotlight passing across the desert only illuminating the present moment the each time anxious about loosing the thread and that, I guess, is the point of the exercise. Passing by or next to it assumes the objective which is clearly not the case of many cases. Just in cases we installed the fire escap-es. Going down is almost always right and what did diddid we think that living so high we'd not get burned. It's go a nack for climbing. Since it was little. Since it began. Makes me wonder how hell is still below. I'd guess the treetops by know. NOW I mean now, now. Pesky thoughts repeat and remind me of the dirty stories of origin forsaken. I'll forsake the story and runa burn up a long rope that disappears behind me. Follow. Stand back. I'll dive into the powder and pow. Wick, I guess. It's alright to imagine. It's alright to a lot of things.