Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not Much

Is life then not full of the things that are not. At the limit, as the amount of nothing approaches infinity, don't we begin to get something. From here we write a letter to no one. No one is listening. Philosophy is for fun and tricks for kids so get into your barrel and ride, mad man ride.
Ride, mad
man, ride
mad, man.
Being that there is no limit to the potential of any given set of circumstances before they are given and in the case that they are. And being that a thing is as it is. Being, being, being. Then what? Well, whatever can be then. It would seem that we know a trick or two. Show me then, what you know, friend. I'll not hold you to my particular:
-understanding of it.
So much stupid beauty. It can only be loved and cried over. Can a world be made with foolishness and beauty? Defended with marshmallow bullets and strawberry jam bombs. I for one, do not believe it can. This tips me off that the idea may have potential. But how can I say since I think it worthless. I will persue it, down a thousand roads at once.

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