Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Is it possible not to know what one is doing. Of course. Without a context what one does is just a part of the stream of sense events hurtling down like asteroids. An weak correlation between desire and feedback. The nebulous violence of blind intent.
Then there is the other thing. The place where every event is connected with doers. The doers involve themselves in the story as a way of organizing themselves. At any moment all the doers are seeing and abstracting the actions of the other doers and their abstractions as well. Weaving it all into intentionality and motion. One generated moment to the next. History can belong to us all but we have to become a part of it.

1 comment:

Cory said...

Do non-doers ever get into them history books/stories? Ya know, the "got 'er did" types are always proud and loud, but the "no do just flow yo" types seem somewhat uninterested in making the books, eh?

Do they have their own unread-by-the-masses herstory/ourstory book? Muse on....